"Your Coaching Business Prayers Have Been Answered..."

I'm working on a new project to help you get more
clients, faster, and easier than ever before.

I think it could be the answer to your coaching
business prayers. It's not simply a training or
coaching program. It goes 10 steps further.

I'll tell you more about it in a few weeks, but for now
I need your help.

Here's how you can help. Simply answer this question
for me...

"What do you see as the #1 biggest thing that's
stopping you from getting clients as quickly and
easily as you want?"

Please type in your answer right now. Thanks
so much for your help. I really appreciate it.

And remember, people need our help. Let's
get people coached!


  1. I cannot explain in a believable and trustworthy way what I can do for them - They will go to their GP and friends etc, but won't come and see me - while I do have a faster and better solution for many of their problems...

  2. Getting them to understand that it is value for money - that they are worth investing in.

  3. Reaching the right people with my message

  4. It's being able to help potential clients visualize as strongly as possible the benefits and value they will receive for their investment of time and money.

  5. Technical Know How - fast, easy, cheap ways to do all the online marketing, lead building stuff... it's been a challenge to figure it all out, starting from scratch (your help and Kim's TCM videos have been my saving grace...)

  6. That people don't think about using a coach to support them in their challenges...if they do think about it, the cost gets in the way.

  7. In Mexico they don`t know much about coaching and really don`t see the value on the first place

  8. Reaching those who would most benefit from my services, and helping them to understand how much they will gain from ADHD coaching.

  9. Coach Bob McCann - Carson City, NVFebruary 24, 2010 at 9:33 AM

    After 31 years as a full time business coach I still find that the business community cannot distinguish coaching as anything other than just another name for training so professional coaches are put in the same line at the door with all the "tips and techniques" trainers and seminar leaders.

    Coach Bob - Carson City, NV

  10. Raising my profile and reaching people who would benefit the most from my services.

  11. Everybodys too competent these days--not enough L.O.S.E.R.S out there :-)!

  12. Identifying willing and able clients so I can do my magic and revolutionize their lives.

  13. Many don't understand what a professional coach is or does. In business it's understood. It's also seen as a "Luxury", not as a "needed investment". There are over 100,000 coaches out there, differentiating oneself is the new challenge on my web site. I know people in incredible pain, and when I offer them "help" few convert to clients. I'm also so tired of free webinars that just spend an hour "tickling" us for 5 mins of good content and it's just a huge sell for their program, the CD's, a system etc. There are very few that have given true value - Christian you are one that shares generously, so is Bernadette Doyle - I'm discontinuing listening to the rest!

    Thanks for asking and I wish you continued success.

  14. Communicating the real value of coaching. People go to their doctors because they have health insurance and can afford the cost easily. They are used to paying small amounts of money out of pocket for services.

  15. My fear of not being comfortable with the workload

  16. "What do you see as the #1 biggest thing that's
    stopping you from getting clients as quickly and
    easily as you want?"

    The idea that they will not want me as their coach, or that they will be very critical.

  17. It's being able to speak to the dog in the language of the dog so he or she understands the value and can picture the changes, possiblies, and success that lies in the future if they can make that decision to work with me.

  18. Christian,
    The most difficult thing for me to overcome is the value prospective clients place on the 'dollar amount' they are expected to pay.
    Far more value is placed on the dollar than on the benefits the dollar investment will provide them.
    I suppose the extreme state of the economy has a lot to do with it,but that just provides a stronger case,in my mind,for prospects to invest in themselves so that they can gain more control of their time, life and circumstances.

  19. What suggestions do you have for creating group coaching other than by offering a 6-session e-course on a particular topic?

  20. How to close the sale. How to have them understand the value and have the desire to buy the group coaching program or individual session I offer.

  21. Coaching is often seen as too "fluffy". People think it sounds interesting- it just doesn't apply to them!

  22. Tapping into the clients that what a service right here and now.

  23. Getting people to understand what they are paying for. They want my consultation for free.

  24. What they said...no, really, my two biggest challenges are:
    Getting potential clients to see coaching is money well spent;
    getting myself in front of my chosen niche (academics in higher education) in a way that will actually get me paying clients.

  25. Finding my market locally (managers and executives--they don't hang out at local networking events) and virtually and then marketing effectivley to them

  26. My clients like my service but can't afford to pay me for a long time.

  27. 1. Being afraid to "get out there," whatever "get out there" means, to drum up the business. 2. Not knowing where or how to start, especially if I'm going to ask $300/$400 or more a month. 3. Not wanting really to copy those methods/sites that advertise teleclasses (a $297 value) and e-books (a $99.97 value) and so on...then "call me for coaching." It smacks of pyramid sales. 4. But then not knowing what to say or how to say it.

  28. Not being able to make new connections and not being able to convert "free intro" session into paying customers.

  29. I second the above comment. Having engaged four marketing methods with creativity, verve and enthusiasm, (web site, networking, advertising, public speaking) now struggling with the frustration of the calls not coming in fast enough to get the free sessions set up

  30. Finding or being introduced to the people who will want and appreciate my service.

    Getting them to sign up - and pay for -for long term coaching.

    Getting over people thinking of coaching as therapy, not guiding or facilitating.

    The video was funny, but very sad. Made coaching look pathetic. And it was obvious he didn't know what it was when he shrugged and said he needed help - tome, a coach is about bringing out the best ins omeone, not criticizing what they do or wear!

  31. i wish i knew... not getting enough prospects.

  32. The biggest thing for me is how to listen to what they really want, (reading between the lines).

  33. Creating a compelling offer that I can deliver. I will try your letters and see what happens. Thank you for your generosity. Congratulations on your adorable baby!

  34. People in my market need to see the benefits of health coaching over quick fixes, they need to see the long term benefit, they need to get more 'into' self development and out of the 'I'm not responsible' attitude..

  35. Being pulled in many different directions as a Mom of two toddlers and a part-time coach. The things they just didn't teach you in business and coaching school. After numerous degrees, advanced training and 10+years of experience . . . I'm still working it out! Time and energy for working on my business instead of 'in' my business is my biggest coaching challenge.

  36. Comment to the comments,
    Prepare yourself to answer the question, "What do you do?"
    If you got in an elevator with another person going to the seven floor, and that person asked you, “ What do you do?” You have about 20 seconds to answer in a compelling way what you do. Instead of answering, “Oh I’m a life coach” How could you answer..

    Ask yourself who do you want to cater to? It’s nice of you to feel for and or to cater to a struggling person but most likely that person can not pay you. Yes there is unemployment out there but there are also clients with a lot of money. 12 % are unemployed or struggling but 88% are employed. Who do you want to direct your coaching business too?

    And third if you don’t believe your coaching is worth $300 to $400 a month how do you expect your prospect to?
    Find the pain/problem, make your prospect very aware of their pain/problem and let them know you have the pain killer/solution.

    Rey Sandoval
    Performance Engineer

    Chris is great!

  37. Making the commitment to a "business" vs. a "practice". I want the freedom that a business could eventually provide. I also like the simplicity of going it alone - no VAs, no multiple streams, no groups... I love the one on one coaching interaction and do not want to lose touch with that - its why I am a coach. I also am tired of trying to "make" everything work with the practice model.

  38. explaining what coaching is, people know if they want a physio or a hypnotherapist, they don t know they want a coach ! in the UK they haven t got the idea yet that coaching is so beneficial to their wellbeing.

  39. For me, the biggest challenge is managing my time. As a mom of two young boys, its a juggle to find the time to get it all done. That is why I'm looking to create some coaching products that better leverage my time vs. 1-1 coaching.

  40. Knowing who to ask. I'm new to my area (San Diego, too!), so know less than 5 people, and even them I don't know well, and I come from a background & family of people who a) don't ask for help and b) in my opinion are living mediocre lives, could benefit from coaching, but see their lives as fine, as in literally would rather remain status quo - which is why I moved, because I've wanted more for my life, but my "tribe" wanted to stay the same, and it brought me down ... I know people exist who value coaching and have the means to pay, I just do NOT know any of them!!!

  41. I am not a coach, but would love getting involved. Not sure if this area in NL, Canada has the demand....

  42. I love what everyone has said. I would like to add that I don't think I fully believe in the value that I bring.

  43. I honestly believe that the only thing stopping people getting new customers is self belief and attitude. A structured approach with marketing letter templates, ways of meeting new customers guide and a marketing methodology is what is needed.
    As Nike says "Just Do It"

  44. As a part time coach with a full time day job, being a daughter to an ageing parent, mother to a daughter and grandmother (great joy!) to a one year old and a two year old, my problem is finding the time to work on the business and learn all the technological things I need to know to keep in touch with prospective clients.

  45. As a corporate coach my biggest challenge is:

    How to raise my profile and present different core marketing messages.

    The emotional hook for potential coachees, (who often dont hold the budget) is different from the HR and L&D person (who may see me as competition) and the MD, Business Owner (who may be the decision maker and the most challenging to get in front of.)

  46. Technical know-how to get my website to collect names for a list. I know people have seen my website, but they don't e-mail me, and the site doesn't collect names. I don't know how to make it do that.

  47. Consistency and doing something long enough to measure results.

  48. My biggest question is - How to evaluate, where the best solution is coaching and, where the best solution is mentoring or skills training.

  49. I have had the RCA and FSTS for many months. I was working full-time in high tech so I was just in the learning phase. Now that I am no longer working full-time, I thought it would be very easy to go out and sign up clients right away. However, I am finding that the actual business setup is taking the time. I have my domaine name, but I don't know the first thing about setting up my website, managing email from my new domaine name and getting compelling content. I need a step by step on the business side with recommendations on a good VA to handle all the website setup and content.

  50. In the new program I'm developing, I'm thinking about including a website (the kind that actually work to get clients too, not the kind that most coaches make).

    Would that be a valuable bonus?

  51. Putting together a team for all the tasks I have no interest in doing and no talent for but are required for my business. As a business owner, I now also have to wear the hat of employer.
    Also getting conflicting information about what products, services, people to use. It's a lot to sort through while also doing my coaching practice.

    Leads to a chronic sense of overwhelm which takes the fun out of it.


  52. Client-getting website would be very helpful!

    Yes, as noted here in other comments, chronic overwhelm of all the moving parts, time to do it, really understanding my niche and their issues and lack of confidence/self doubt come up for me a lot too. I do well for a little while and then those things creep back in and keep me down.

    But your work keeps me dusting myself and getting back up again....:-)

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. How to get my first 5 clients without approaching my friends and family members while working a full time job and not having any money to invest into marketing, website etc...

  55. Convincing them that after working through one issue they still have more they need to address. They figure they are feeling great, so they're done with coaching. And they often cite money as the big issue for not continuing.

  56. The #1 biggest thing that I see stopping my clients from getting clients as quickly and easily as they want is not having the expertise to do all the things needed in a business, and not being willing to pay to outsource it.

    That's one of the reasons I've included some VA time in my coaching packages, to help clients implement more quickly to see results, without getting bogged down with, "Great! Now how do I do THAT?!". Through discussion on our coaching call, I pass on to my experienced VA's exactly what the client is looking for, and review it before it's shown to the client. It takes alot of pressure off clients, and gives my VA's extra hours of work.

    In reply to one of the above comments, at times I coach, other times I consult or mentor clients. I think today it's important to have someone who has the expertise to do all 3 when appropriate in the coaching relationship.

    For me, the biggest challenge is to find the high quality of help so I can outsource portions of my business while I continue to do what I do best: client work and client attraction through marketing.

    For example right now, I'm looking for a Public Speaking VA who will follow up and follow through with phone calls/emails on inquiries received.

    I send letters/emails to potential groups/people who are recommended to me to contact. Since business is coming to me from all of the seeds I've planted, I'm looking to streamline the process (and make sure nothing slips through without being dealt with). Some expectations would be to place phone calls to book appointments/set up meetings, send information for confirmed speaking engagements such as speaker one-sheet, photo & contract.

    I have coaching clients, as well as free & paid speaking engagements. There are many others who we are following up with who want to put me on their list of speakers so we need to keep in touch with them. I'd also be looking for this person to book teleseminar guests/book me as teleseminar expert for others in the upcoming months. Each of these bookings has been a result of attending events, or contacting people through letter, email or face-to-face contact.

    Ideally, I would love to offer a generous tiered commission to the right person (I believe in sharing my good fortune with others who do a great job so I can do what I love). I realize I will be paying them much more than if I simply hired them, but in order to attract the right person I'm open to revenue sharing. I would consider other options.

    These are some things I or my clients have as challenges. Hope the feedback helps you in your research.

  57. #1 thing preventing me from getting clients quickly and easily is mindset. My "concious" talks, writes, plans and visualizes a rewarding, profitable coaching business. Yet my self-defeating "nonconcious" beliefs rattle in my brain all day long. Law of Attraction? Hum.

  58. I'm health coach - I want clients to see that this will get them where they want to go, not that coaching is lost in the diet jungle. i want them to see value for money, too many people think what I do is 'interesting' but don't jump on board, they still think the quick fix will work
