"Client Getting Emails" - Feedback, Comments, Questions, & Suggestions...

What did you think about the "Client Getting Emails" from this page?

Did you try it yet? Did you send it? Did people reply and request a session with you? Did you sign up some new clients? If so, I'd love to hear about it. Make a comment below.

Are you afraid to try it? Do you think it isn't going to work? Is there something keeping you from moving forward? Let me know and I'll see if there's anything I can do to help.

Do you have any additional insights, ideas, or suggestions that you think will help everyone? If so, post them below.

Thanks for sharing!

PS: Remember, people need our help. Let's get people coached!

PPS: I added some new tools to the "Client Getting Emails" page.
Feel free to share your comments or questions about those here too.