Very Basic... and yet sooo powerful...

I know *goal setting* can sometimes be very
basic – especially for coaches, but let me tell
you a story about something that happened
just last night that literally shocked me!

My fiancée, Chelsa, recently lost one of her
best HR consulting clients (they’re hiring someone
full time) and she just finished her Masters Degree
this week too, so her student loans will be coming
due soon.

She’s been down on herself and very frustrated
because of her financial situation– but the only
solution she’s been toying around with has been
- get a job. Until...

Last night I shared an idea with her from the book
“4 hour work week” about taking mini-retirements.
And I said that I want to start taking them. And she
said “Let’s do it!” So we planned out where we want
to travel and vacation during our mini-retirements.

Our first 5 are...

1. Hawaii for 1 month (going this November)
2. Costa Rica for 1 month (going March of next year)
3. Australia for 6 weeks (including New Zealand)
4. The Caribbean for 1 month (visiting many of
the islands)
5. Polynesian area for 1 month (Fiji, Bali, etc.)

What happened next shocked me! She started
thinking about all of the ways she could start earning
extra money so that she can save up to pay for her
expenses while we’re taking our trips.

She came up with so many ideas and all of a sudden
she was even willing to *clean people’s houses* for the
extra money! Since she can earn far more doing other
stuff, I told her house cleaning was out of the question,
but, it’s a great example of how far people are willing
to go when they’re excited about something.

Me too...

Lately I’ve been feeling a little bored. Business is
going great. I have a great income and a wonderful
team that handles a lot of my work. My relationships
are great too.

Maybe I just didn’t feel challenged or something, but
after we started planning out our extended and frequent
vacations, something shifted in me too.

I got a new level of excitement about business
and got clear about something I’ve been wanting
to make a decision about for a few days (I’ll tell you
about that in a minute).

We both came home from our walk at 11 PM
and immediately started working on stuff to
get ourselves and our lives ready to make this
goal/dream/plan a reality.

So I ask you....

What would get you so excited to
grow your business, that you’d do whatever
it would take to succeed (even clean people’s
houses :)?

What kind of goal could you set that would
get you into a frenzy just thinking about it and
would get your mind racing around to find ways
to start getting clients and earn more?

I know for many people it’s not about
the money. I think that’s true for most
coaches actually. But, if you could travel around
the world, or have some other experience
that would really excite you – what would
do it for you?

Share your ideas with me in the comments section below...


  1. Christian
    Its to start coaching! I've been listening to you on MP3 on my journey to work (Ken Mc, Andy O, Glenn L, Andrea) and your ideas and methods have really excited me.
    I have done bits of coach training, after 20 years as a mental health occupational therapist, and you have helped me realize its more a question of getting clients, rather than more training.
    So thanks, and don't spend too long on your travels - we need you!

  2. I graduated from CoachU in 2001 and only recently figured out what my niche is. I decided not to pursue a "regular job" but instead work part-time at a bookstore while I get this coaching business up and running. I appreciate Christian's emails and enthusiasm for the coaching profession.

  3. Hi Christian
    Thanks for the email. I would be very excited to join your team of business builders.

    As for my goal, it's a combination of your retirement idea and making some money. I always felt that serving and helping others would never stop for me (I guess it is probably true for you as well). I also like to travel, and the locations you and Chelsea put down are definitely great places to go. At the same time, I also like to visit places I learned about through stories and history lessons. So here is my goal (and I would do house cleaning for it if that would get me there, although joining you in business building has a better chance):

    I would like to be able to get booked for speaking gigs at locations I want to visit.. Examples would be Athens (Greece) to have the opportunity to visit the ancient sites, or Casablanca (Morocco) to visit the tile factories, or Seville (Spain) to visit the world exhibition sites, or Granada (Spain ) to visit the Alhambra monastery. Ideally I would want to be invited to the site, provide a speech/keynote, participate in a panel discussion, or provide a presentation for a day, maybe two. Then I would stay for about 5-7 days on my own dime, blowing the money made from the gig, and then go back home. I could see this happening about 3-4 times per quarter, kind of like your mini-retirements. That way my wife and I would see the world and these sites, provide value to individuals/organizations that invite us, and we would benefit outside of the engagements. It’s a win-win-win.

    Like I said, I would clean houses to get that organized. If you have ideas what to do instead or how to get there, I am all ears (by the way, that’s true for anybody reading this comment).

    Have a great weekend


  4. Hi, Christian. No joke, it sounds like what you could use is a couple of kids. :)

    If you ever decide to get married and do this, you would find that they are in fact here to teach us, not the other way around.

    Parents with enthusiasm for life, learning and teaching make terrific parents.

    Just remember, you heard it from me first. I expect after it happens and you get into it a few years you drop me an email to say "Matt, you were right!" And as they get older, they get more fun and your relationship with your wife will grow as well.

    Yup. That's my prescription!

  5. Yeah, no room for boredom with the kids, but Matt, I emailed Christian about kids when he got engaged! You're not the first! ha!

    The travel really excites me--even taking the kid along:-)

