The 30 Day "No TV Challenge" - Who has what it takes?


When I eliminated TV my income doubled that year and has nearly doubled every year since. I challenge you to give up TV for the next 30 days to try it out - if you dare!

I'm not against "TV shows" per say - it's the endless mind-trapping that TV creates to keep you hooked and watching - the commercials, the next show coming up later, next week's episodes, etc. All that "non-sense" takes up a big chunck of your mind space and focuses of your unconscious mind in ways that aren't in your best interest. Instead...

Try Netflix or Blockbuster online.

You can still watch TV shows on DVD. And once you start watching shows this way, you won't ever be able to go back (no commercials, no waiting until next week for the next episode, and you get to watch on your schedule).

Now, the part of you that doesn't want to give up TV is probably saying stuff like this: "I watch educational shows on the Discovery channel" or "I have TiVo (DVR) and I can watch stuff when I want already" or "I can't disconnect the TV because my family likes to watch certain shows together" or "I only watch sports (which you can't watch on DVD)" or "I hardly ever watch TV" or "I don't drink or smoke - TV is my only vice, let me keep it".

First of all this is just the part of your mind that doesn't want to let go. These are all just "excuses". I had many of them myself before I gave up TV. For LIVE television (like sports or American Idol) you can make an event out of it and watch it with friends (at their house or at a sports bar). Everything else is better on DVD. And these days most TV shows come out on DVD a few months after the season ends.

If you have the courage to take the 30 Day "No TV Challenge", tell the world what you're going to do by posting your name and start date in the comments below.

Here's a list of DVDs to get you started...

Peaceful Warrior
Pay It Forward
Life is Beautiful
Akeelah and the Bee
Celestine Prophecy
Freedom Writers
Great Debaters
American History X
Coach Carter
Remember the Titans
Glory Road

TV shows:
Avatar: The Last Air Bender (seasons 1, 2, & 3)
[this may be the best TV show ever made and it's an animated series]

Veronica Mars (season 1)
[one of the best single seasons of television ever! There are 2 more seasons, but they're just not as good]

Dexter (season 1) [warning -very dark, but very engaging. Also one of the best single seasons of a TV show. It's like watching a long twisty turny movie]

My Name Is Earl

Get started at (this link gives you a 30 day free trial) or
(I recommend that you start out with at least the "3 out at a time" plans because you'll be surprised how much free time you have when the TV isn't sucking it away.)

If you dare to take the 30 day "No TV Challenge" leave a comment below. Also share your favorite TV and movie recommendations too.


  1. I would like to confirm that I commit to the 30-day "No TV challenge".

    I've been using a similar DVD rental website here in the UK for a few months, and I've noticed how I don't have ANY desire to watch TV anymore.

    Sasha M., UK
    Top Coach Mastermind member

  2. I unplugged my own TV a while back and don't miss it. Those curiosity hooks are powerful, though! If someone else turns on the TV I will watch whatever's on..

    And if I spend too much time at it I feel a little ill. These days "too much" really doesn't take much, so for me leaving it off in the first place is the best strategy.

  3. Hey Christian,
    I intend on being extremely coachable during this class so I'm committing wholeheartedly to the 30-day "No TV Challenge".

    I don't watch much TV right now, but I'm happy to let go of the little I do watch... looking forward to the class!


  4. Hey, Christian!

    Excellent insight! I've been working though this process myself, because I know how much of a powerful grip TV and (watching scary movies....eeek) can have one one's sense of stillness.

    Thank you for this wonderful reminder!

    The Gay Guy's Love Coach

  5. Christian,

    I swore off TV earlier this year as part of a coaching session. Not that I was hooked or anything, but I found it was "diverting my attention" from what I should have been focused on.

    A lot of your audience probably is like me, blessed to have two young kids (Nicole 7 and Jillian 9). "How can I get rid of TV when I've got young kids?" they're probably asking. I have continued to allow TV into my home for them, am very conscious/involved in what they watch and certainly monitor the time they spend in front of the tube each day (It's not called a brain-tube for a reason!).

    Since doing this, here's what I've accomplished:
    - Published "The Influential Leader" book.
    - Developed what I consider my best work.
    - Gained new clients that I wouldn't have had the time to develop a relationship with.
    - Spend more quality time with my family.
    - Saved my sanity!

    Hopefully your audience can relate and join you during the next 30 days...It'd be interesting to see their professional, as well as personal results!

    Sincerely yours,

    Sam Palazzolo
    Pathos Leadership Group LLC

  6. What's TV??

    But seriously, I commit to no TV for 30 days.


  7. I questions asked!
    Whatever it takes!

    Lucy B.

  8. Thanks Christian,
    I've reduced my TV consumption drastically in the last 12 months, and I'll definitely go the next 30 days with NO TV. Looking forward to it! And thank you for your great work - you're an inspiration.

  9. You're right, Christian - Dexter and Earl are fab! Definitely the exception ... the no tv challenge seems to get easier all the time with fewer quality shows to draw us in. (Especially summertime.)

    Although I never miss Animal Planet's Meerkat Mansion. lol

    Good Vibe Coach

  10. I commit to the 30 day "No TV challenge". In the last years I reduced watching TV already but it's good to put the focus again on other things and not on TV for the next 30 days.

    Thanks for the inspiration

    Carola, Germany

  11. The timing of seeing your message on the 30 day "NO TV Challenge" could not have been better. I am already at day 25 and hope to continue going long past the deadline. It is amazing how much free time we have when we are glued to the "idiot box," as it has been so lovingly referred. Thanks for encouraging others to break free and find time for more productive ventures.

  12. I used to be truly a "news" junkie, particularly the radio. I didn't watch TV all that much anyhow (seems like mostly a waste of time since you can't really do anything else but veg in front of it) but I've been off TV and the addictive radio (the news, especially) since at least 2005, when I began my coach training.

    It's been great and I recommend it to anyone!

  13. Hi,

    I gave up TV 4 years ago now.

    I do watch DVD's and have seen some amazing movies.

    The Bucket List, The last Mimsy, and a list too long to mention.

    I don't miss TV at all. I read more, take more courses and play board games more. A big scrabble and Rummikub fan. We talk more.

    It makes a positive difference.


  14. Yep, I'm in!
    Haven't watched for 20 years or so, and will just keep it going :-)
    I agree with Elizabeth: when I accidentally watch TV, I do feel sick afterwards.

  15. It's amazing how much time and mental free space you have when you unplug.

  16. Wow! No TV for 30 days? Ouch! That is going to be a challenge for me. But I have goals, dreams, desires that are more important than any TV show.
    So (raising my right hand) I, Raye, will not watch TV for the next 30 days. Starting now...

    Raye Cage

  17. I would like to support the no-TV people because I hardly ever watch TV at all! It is a treat, possibly once a month, to enjoy a glass of white wine, wait until the kids are sleeping, and see a movie or show on TV, completely relaxed!

    from Tatiana in Spain

  18. I will also take this challenge. I am home in the last few weeks of maternity leave and want to get the most out of this time. I believe this will help me.

  19. Hi Christian,

    Great! I absolutely commit to your wonderful challenge!

    Phenomenon & Life is Beautiful are great movies. I would recommend also Zhou Yu's Train; it's a beautiful Chinese movie with an outstanding photography.

    Thanks for the blog. Now I know my ideas about TV were not that weird as I thought! ;-)

    Yardena Krongold
    Elevate Coaching
    Mexico City

  20. I am coming up on 11 years without TV, and love it. I have a lot more time for things that are more important now. I also find that I enjoy movies more on those occasions when I do choose to watch them. Usually, I am choosing a specific movie to accomplish something specific.

  21. Hi Christian,
    Have not watched TV since it blew up about 2 years ago. (Though did buy one to watch Documentaries on DVD's)
    And on the rare occasions that I want to vegetate for a spell there's HULU where I recently watched the entire first season of "Damages" [On Superbowl day].
    My primary reason for no TV is that there is
    so much negativity and or gossip [think CNN or Fox]
    I find my happiness/attitude is so much better without the TUBE.

  22. We gave up TV close to 7 years ago now. We sit at dinner and talk a lot more. We go for walks, and just do more. If we feel like settling in and watching something, we get movies at the library for free. And I usually pick up a couple books too.

    I'm a single mom, and my daughter is 18. She griped about it at first, but now she has no time for TV. We are always too busy.

    Get out and live life!
