It gets better...

We just booked the talented TIAMO to perform at my live event in San Diego, May 20-23 2010: "Clients, Cash, & Contribution". Check out 2 of his music videos...

Which one do you like better? "Be the Change" or "Furlough Friday"?


  1. Be the Change ROCKS! Thanks for posting Christian. I posted it on my facebook page. Let's get people HUGGED! :)

  2. Be the Change, Now!!!

    From Madrid A big huge!!!


  3. Loved BE THE CHANGE! The message to find humor in the face of adversity is inspiring as well.

  4. Be the Change brought tears to my eyes and made my heart swell up in my chest. I wanted to run out and hug 10 people right away. I wanted a T-shirt to wear so I could go out in the community and get hugged! As a single woman living alone, I don't get 10 hugs a day, many days not even 1 hug.

    The Friday Furlough was great though. I loved the beat and the message. It was very well done!!


  5. I have a question for you. I often have issues getting clients to see on free sessions that the value I am offering them is priceless, and that I am doing so with no strings attached.

    How do you best work out the conditions, that the value being offered is far more invaluable than the asking price or related cost?

    Thank you.

  6. 2nd question.
    The people that come to mind for me are
    Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Joe Vitale
